I posted this once before and got no responses.  One more try and
I guess I'll have to give up.  I really hate to though...

Pythonwin has quit working properly on my office computer, and
I am at a loss as to how to fix it.  I am using Python23 on MS Windows
2000 Pro.

Prior to re-installing Pythonwin, I have uninstalled Pythonwin and Python,
removed everything left over in the registry, and removed the Python23
dircectory.  I even re-ran MS service pack 4.

Pythonwin became broke at about the same time that I installed and then
uninstalled Python 2.4.  That could be a coincidence, or it could be
significant; I don't know.

Here are the symptoms:

I open Pythonwin either through the menu shortcut or by clicking on the .exe
directly.  I have tried starting it in every conceivable directory.  In any
case, if I immediately use the X box to close Pythonwin, it closes properly.
All the menus items on the main frame appear to be functional. But if
I first open a .py file using the menu File/Open... then everything is frozen
that's associated with the main window frame or the new file window's frame.
I cannot close the new window or the main frame using an X box.  Neither can
I minimize either window, nor use any of the menu items on the main frame.
I cannot re-size either window.  Operations on the file itself, like 
select-all seem to work okay.  I can minimize or close Pythonwin from the
MS Windows task bar.  The interactive window seems to bahave properly in
every respect.

Please help.  I really would like to be able to use Pythonwin again.


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