Using win32process.CreateProcess, I can get the process handle/pid of
a process I launch. Now this process launches other processes and they
in turn launch other processes without using CreateProcess (so I don't
have their pids), to the point where I know there are at least two
levels of parent-child processes. Can I get the pids of these
child/grandchild processes from the parent pid? Alternatively, can I
kill the parent pid and all its children along with it?

I've tried creating the process with win32con.CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP
and other combinations of flags/arguments but I'm never able to kill
but the parent process (all the children are left running) and I
cannot find a way to get the children's pids from the parent pid or
handle. It seems that has a way to browse through
process trees, but I'm not able to figure out how (using
python2.0/win32all144). Is this possible, and if so, how?


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