> I'm not sure, but when I understand this right, the MFC method
> CreateControl() wants a BSTR here and I read somewhere that T2OLE
> does not return a BSTR. Can this be the problem here? Should there
> be used T2BSTR instead? Is this a bug in win32ui?

T2OLE will convert a Python ascii string to a wide string - that should be

> Has anybody ever used the license key string parameter of the
> method in Python and can tell my how to pass the license key string

I have many moons ago.  I believe you pass the license string in a standard
"GUID" format - eg, "{5F584028-15BF-4dcf-AEB2-5FDC9B0C0AA5}" (which is just
one guidgen just gave me).  Does your license string make itself available
in that format?  I may well be wrong though...


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