On Sat, 4 Jun 2005 11:27:28 -0700, "Robert Brewer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

>It's probably considered insecure because you are passing params (%s) to
>python on the command line. Those "clever hackers" could find a way to
>pass Nasty Things, like "del C:"
>Performance will be intolerable, since each page request has to start
>and stop the Python interpreter, which is not a quick process.

This is a dangerous exaggeration.  There are a huge number of web sites 
for which a Python CGI implementation is quite workable.  If you're 
creating a web site that will get 5 hits a minute, no one will either 
care or notice the extra half second from loading Python.  The vast 
majority of the web sites in the world fall into that category.

Now, if you're getting 100 hits a minute, then you need to look at 
another approach.  But don't waste time optimizing unnecessarily.  
First, see if you have a problem.  Then attack it.  The ease of 
developing and debugging using CGI should not be underestimated.

>If you used the latter, you could use CherryPy and be on the cutting
>edge of Python web development.  :) 

Here, I am in complete agreement.  There's something very appealing 
about CherryPy.  Simple, functional, understandable.

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