> It doesn´t work with the following code:

> "D:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\win32com\client\makepy.py", 
> line 306, in GenerateChildFromTypeLibSpec
>     __import__("win32com.gen_py." + dir_name + "." + child)
> ImportError: No module named _Iapplication

That is probably a bug related to tracking down dependent typelibs.  Maybe
you could add an entry at sourceforge?

> But now I ran into another problem.
> There is no data coming back from LabVIEW via the Call method.
> The arParVals List is unchanged after the call. Normaly the 
> last two elements should held the result of the VI call.
> In the other directon it´s working, I´m able to see the 
> string "Hello World" in LabVIEW.

Note that in Python, "out" values (including in-out) are always *returned*
from the function.  Thus you probably want something like:

rc, newVals = oViTest.Call(arParNames,arParVals)

where 'rc' is whatever 'Call' returns - or, if 'Call' has no return value
(ie a 'void' function, or 'procedure'), simply:

newVals = oViTest.Call(arParNames,arParVals)


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