At Tuesday 28/6/2005 06:03, Capiez Fabrice wrote:

>chart.Location (Where=constants.xlLocationAsObject,
>     chart.HasTitle = True
>     chart.ChartTitle.Characters.Text ="title"
>The following produces:
>Excel failed with code -2146827864: OLE error 0x800a01a8
>No extended information
>The same error occurs if I try to set an axis title
>instead of the chart's title. It also occurs whether I
>first set chart.HasTitle to True or not. I

Error 800a01a8 is "Object required"
The error is triggered by the chart.HasTitle line, before setting the title 
So I guessed, chart does not point to a valid object on that line.
Commenting out the previous line chart.Location(...) solved the problem.
I was unable to find documentation on the Location() method, but I guess 
that moving the chart to another sheet invalidates the object reference 
(which may be tied to its current location...)

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL 

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