At Tuesday 12/7/2005 13:09, Frank Guenther wrote:

>That is exactly the problem, but how can I get the text  which the 
>buffering client prints to the screen?
>The C++ Code looks like:
>         printf ("1. Run Static  Tests contained in Sections 5  through 
> 9.\n");
>         printf ("2. Run Dynamic Tests contained in Sections 10 through 
> 11.\n\n");
>         printf ("Enter choice (1 or 2): ");
>         scanf  ("%d", &nTestChoice);
>If I use the program manually the stdout is displayed on the screen.
>A solution would be to change the program, but I don't have the 
>possibility to change it.
>Is there an other way?

See the C FAQ on this topic:

If the OS is buffering the output, perhaps a call to FlushFileBuffers (on 
the other end of the pipe) would help.
But if the buffering is at the C run-time library, I'm afraid there is 
nothing you could do to flush the output without rewriting the code or 
hacking the RTL DLLs.

To disable buffering on stdout, put any of these calls at the very 
beginning of the program:
setbuf(stdout, NULL)
or: setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0)

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL  

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