For the constants to be available, you'll need to run makepy
on the machines your script will run on.
win32com.client.gencache.EnsureDispatch will create the
generated file for an object if it doesn't already exist.



> Hi, list:
> This is puzzling.  For the PythonWin32 based Word
> script I developed, everything works fine on my
> machine.  However, when I run the script on another
> machine, it would fail whenever it comes across any of
> the constants variables (such as, for example,
> constants.wdLine, constants.wdStory, or any of them). 
> I checked and rechecked and the machines are all
> running the same version of Python (2.3) and same
> versions of PythonWin32.
> Anybody??
> Thanks,
> --
> --
> John Henry
Python-win32 mailing list

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