Good day all:

I have a trivial problem that I would be grateful for help with.
I am running python 2.4.1 with  Python for Windows extensions build 204.

When I run the following script after returning some lines correctly I find the following error.

'Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Scripts\", line 4, in ?
    print objChild.Name + '\t' + objChild.Description
TypeError: coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, NoneType found'

This happens when the description value is null.

How do I avoid this problem?

import win32com.client
objContainer = win32com.client.GetObject("LDAP://cn=users,dc=agri,dc=local")
for objChild in objContainer:
    print objChild.Name + '\t' + objChild.Description


Peter Jessop
Python-win32 mailing list

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