Maybe I can parse the output of a 'ipfonfig' command, but
commands.getoutput only work with unix, not with windows. Is there
another way to get the output of a command line program under windows ?


Le jeudi 08 septembre 2005 à 17:24 +0200, Peter Jessop a écrit :
> On 9/8/05, le dahut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>     Hello,
>     How is it possible to detect which kind of windows a python script
> is
>     running on ? (9x, Me, 2k, XP, 2k3)
>  >>> from win32api import *
> >>> GetVersionEx()
>     An other question:
>     I've a script using
>     win32com.client.Dispatch("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator") but it
> doesn't
>     seem to function on win 9x. This script is intended to detect the
>     computer's network configuration (gateway, dns, ip addr, subnet
> mask).
>     Does someone know how to obtain those informations on a win 9x ?
> Windows 9x came without support for WMI. You can download WMI Core
> from
> although the implementation is quite limited
> Regards
> Peter Jessop

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