Hello Roger,

Assuming your Python installation is viable (does typing "python" sans 
quotes at the command line launch the Python interpreter?), have you 
renamed the file from "rtf2xml" to "rtf2xml.py" as required to run 
under MS Windows?

-- jv
Windows XP SP2.
I am a Python novice. I downloaded an application called rtf2xml that converts RTF files to XML. I have Python 2.4 installed, and updated my path to include c:\python24. The application has the following folder structure:
rtf2xml-1.2 (contains setup.py, which I have installed using the python setup.py install command)
        rtf2xml (contains a bunch of .py files)
        scripts (contains rtf2xml.py and a test file called hello_world.rtf)
The documentation says that I should be in the command prompt window and simply type:
rtf2xml hello_world.rtf
I've tried this but I get various errors, such as:
rtf2xml is not recognized as an internal or external command...
python: can't open file...[errno 13] permission denied
Please can someone tell me (i) what directory I have to be in, and (ii) what the command line should be? I tried from various folders, with and without "python" in front, but nothing works.
Roger Shuttleworth
Documentation Team Lead
Activplant Corporation
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