> '<server.MyConnectableServer instance at 0x01483B48>' was created, but
> does not support the interface
> 'IConnectableServer'({F51A6858-F43E-4CF9-B603-6D15D3E8DB71}): No such
> interface supported", None, None)

So the problem is our gateway doesn't think we support that interface.

> # putting typelib guid up here as top-level reg_clsid because I have
> # seen it done this way before, and uncommenting _typelib_guid_ causes
> # the client to fail.

That is how it will need to be done though.  Can you be more specific about
how it fails?  The test\pippo* files all do what you need (ie, implement
interfaces described in typelibs).  Note that a *Python* client will not be
able to QI for that interface, but other clients will.


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