On Thu, 20 Oct 2005 16:26:35 -0400, "James Hu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>There are 2 wxPython application, A and B and need to exchange msg.
>Sending WM_CLOSE, wxEVT_MOUSEWHEEL to B is OK, and sending user message
>like 1225 from A to B is also OK. 
>But B didn't catch this message, note, B is running before A sends msg
>and can receive "WM_CLOSE". 
>Do I have to make my own msg loop by using win32api, win32gui? I used
>win32gui to post Message to other windows.
>Using wx.Frame:
>wx.EVT_START_MSG= 1225
>EVT_START_MSG_EVENT(self, self.OnStart)
>def OnStart(self, event):
>      print 'got start message'

Application B must have a message loop in order to receive messages.  
You said application B was also a wxPython application.  Doesn't it 
already have a wxApp and a wxFrame main window?  If you are running 
app.MainLoop(), that should be enough to catch messages.  As long as 
that "OnStart" function is a member of the frame class, it should work.

How are you sending the messages?  How did you get the window handle of 
the second application?

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