Is there a way to override the name of a service when installing it?
What I want to do is use the same python script to install more than
one copies of the same service, under a different name, on the same
machine. I know I can simply copy the python file and change the
_svc_name_ and have two clones of the service I can install with
different names, but I want something like providing the service name
on the command line when I do the install. I already have a
customOptionHandler function that can take arguments, but I cannot
change the _svc_name_ property since

                                      argv = sys.argv,
                                      customInstallOptions = 'c:',
                                      customOptionHandler = customOptionHandler)

takes the class name and I guess it gets the name from there so
anything I do in customOptionHandler to the name doesn't get recorded
at install time.

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