Message: 2
Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2005 21:50:23 -0800
From: drkick16 < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [python-win32] question about COM again: variable type?
        < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"


I too am working on this same issue as we speak.  It is my goal to automate
AutoCAD using Python.  I've had success using C# (.net) for Automation but I
haven't given up with Python yet.  I have done searches here and there on
various search engines and haven't come up with any complete answers on
passing 3 doubles as an array of Variants.  This as you see doesn't happen
automatically as it should and Mark has mentioned that idispatch invoke()
manually is the way to correctly pass them.  I have yet to master invoke and
all the params.  What I need is a working example of Invoke and its
parameters.  It seems AutoCAD object model is easy to decifer and the
passing and retrieval of a Variant(s) in Python are my only stepping stones
to complete a successful automation.  I am continually monitoring this
mailing list and in my research I will pass on any information that I



Thanks for your reply.  I agree with you that AutoCAD object model is easy ot decifer.  Especially if you've used other programming language(s) on it.  I recently bought Mark's book "Python Programming on Win32".  Havn't really had chance to go through it.  I'll see if there is answer in the book and post back if I find something useful.


- wcc

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