
Looking around to (ab)use the Exchange GAL from python I found the code
snippet listed below, posted to this list last summer.

When I try it, I get an exception in the fourth last statement:

    rows = mapi.HrQueryAllRows(...)
com_error: (-2147220992, 'CONNECT_E_NOCONNECTION', None, None)


Does anyone have an idea why the connection could have gone lost at that
point? Or am I misinterpreting the error?

On Thu, Jun 09, 2005 at 05:39:56AM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> if there are more faint hearted outside, here is the code working
> for me:
> <code>
> from win32com.mapi.mapitags import *
> from win32com.mapi import mapi
> from win32com.mapi import mapiutil
> profileName = "Test"
> session = mapi.MAPIInitialize(None)
> session =mapi.MAPILogonEx(0,profileName,None, mapi.MAPI_EXTENDED |
> mapi.MAPI_LOGON_UI |\
>                              mapi.MAPI_NO_MAIL |mapi.MAPI_USE_DEFAULT)
> hr=session.OpenAddressBook(0,None,mapi.AB_NO_DIALOG)
> ##open rootcontainer
> root=hr.OpenEntry(None,None,mapi.MAPI_BEST_ACCESS)
> ##get items
> root_htab=root.GetHierarchyTable(0)
> ##restrict for GAL
> ##SPropValue should be 'DT_GLOBAL' but not defined in mapitags
> DT_GLOBAL=131072
> restriction = (mapi.RES_PROPERTY,
>                        (1,
>                         PR_DISPLAY_TYPE,
>                         (PR_DISPLAY_TYPE, DT_GLOBAL)))
> ## get GAL's entryid tuple
> gal_id = mapi.HrQueryAllRows(root_htab,
>                                    (PR_ENTRYID),
>                                    restriction,
>                                    None,
>                                    0)
> ## extract GAL's entryid
> gal_id = gal_id[0][0][1]
> ## open GAL
> gal=hr.OpenEntry(gal_id,None,mapi.MAPI_BEST_ACCESS)
> ## get content
> gal_list=gal.GetContentsTable(0)
> ## no readable tagname for smpt
> PR_SMTP=972947486
> rows = mapi.HrQueryAllRows(gal_list,
>                                    (PR_ENTRYID,
>                                    None,
>                                    None,
>                                    0)
> for eid,name,alias,smtp in rows:
>     print name[1],alias[1],smtp[1]
> mapi.MAPIUninitialize()
> </code>



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