David S wrote:
> Hello,
> I decided to attempt to use python's win32 extensions as a method to
> monitor and control process for my python application.  It's working
> well in the short term, but, as this app is intended to be very
> low-maintenance, and probably high-uptimes without restarting, I want to
> put it to the test.  I set a loop similar to below to run every second
> for the weekend.  It wasn't very pretty.  I didn't get any process
> information (couldn't - system was /almost/ unresponsive) - the most i
> could do was alt-tab around, though it wouldn't paint the window, move
> the mouse pointer and turn the num lock light on and off.  Can anyone
> provide some guidance or perhaps point out a problem in my code?
> For what it's worth, I think I can poll process /ad infinitum/ without
> any lockups.
> Thank you,
> -David S.
<code snipped>

It's hard to diagnose without seeing all the code, but it
sounds like you might be running out of memory.  Are you
printing a lot of output that could be bloating the screen buffer ?
Also, you might want to check that all the handles you open
are closed properly.  The ones created as PyHANDLEs will
be closed automatically, but plain int handles won't be.


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