Some remarks (altough not directly related to your
current problem):

> >while CCDCamera.ImageReady == False:
> >     time.sleep

Should be time.sleep(1) or something. Remember that in
Python you always need to use () to call a function.

>if CCDCamera.LinkEnabled == False:

It's not a good idea to compare strictly against
True/False; for True just remove the comparison; for
False use the "not" operator:
>if not CCDCamera.LinkEnabled:

>>> def always_true():
...   return 3 # any number!=0 is considered true
>>> if always_true(): print 'Ok'
... else: print 'Wrong!'
>>> if always_true()==True: print 'Ok'
... else: print 'Wrong!'

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL

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