On 3/05/2006 12:44 AM, Dean Allen Provins wrote:
> Roger Upole wrote:
>> Bill Burns wrote:
>>>> On 2/05/2006 8:16 AM, Dean Allen Provins wrote:
>>>>> Hello:
>>>>> I just installed the 2.4 version of Python on a WinXP box.  I then
>>>>> copied over my python code which runs under Linux.  This code uses
>>>>> "curses.ascii" (isspace specifically).
>>>>> The Win version of the libraries has a curses directory and within it,
>>>>> the ascii.py module.  Unfortunately, the __init__.py module in the
>>>>> curses directory expects to import "_curses" (as it does on Linux), and
>>>>> this is nowhere to be found in the Windows python install directory (it
>>>>> is part of a shared library under Linux).
>>>>> To get around the problem, I simply commented out the entire __init__.py
>>>>> module, but this provides only symptomatic relief.
>>>>> Any readers know why the "_curses" library is missing, or in other
>>>>> words, have I found an "error of omission"?
>>>> http://www.amk.ca/python/howto/curses/
>>>> "Nobody has made a Windows port" or words to that effect ...
>>> Actually, I just found this.... but I've never tried it
>>> http://adamv.com/dev/python/curses/
>>> but I believe John is partial right ;-), in the sense that, the Standard 
>>> Python distribution doesn't supply curses for Windows.
>>> So you have *not* found an "error of omission".
>>> Google "Windows _curses" on comp.lang.python for more info and other 
>>> possibilities.
>>> Bill
>> Newer versions of Pywin32 come with a win32console module that
>> allows you to create and interact with console windows.
>>           Roger
> John. Bill and Roger:
> Thanks for your responses.
> Fortunately, I don't need anything from the curses library except the
> "isspace" function in "curses.ascii".  Since the module "_curses" isn't
> available in the WIN version, I've decided to copy the "ascii.py" module
> over to my collection of codes and transfer it to Windows, rather than
> try to import a surgically-altered version of the curses module
> (described above).  This should simplify the installation on other WIN
> machines.

 From curses/ascii.py:

def isspace(c): return _ctoi(c) in (9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 32)

Code reuse is great, but transporting and importing a whole irrelevant 
module to get a fugly ill-coded one-liner and a further unnecessary 
function call (_ctoi) qualifies for bogglement of the month [so far].

Try inserting this OS-independent one-liner in your code somewhere:

def isspace(c): return c in (' ', '\t', '\n', '\r', '\f', '\v')

It appears to work all the way back to Python 2.1 (see below). I could 
arc up the box with 1.5.2 on it and check it out for you if you truly 
rooly want a Python-version-agnostic function :-)

Python 2.1.3 (#35, Apr  8 2002, 17:47:50) [MSC 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
 >>> def isspace(c): return c in (' ', '\t', '\n', '\r', '\f', '\v')
 >>> for x in (666, 1.23, 'a', 'z', 'fubar', ' ', '\t', '\n', '\r', 
'\f', '\v'):
...     print repr(x), isspace(x)
666 0
1.23 0
'a' 0
'z' 0
'fubar' 0
' ' 1
'\t' 1
'\n' 1
'\r' 1
'\x0c' 1
'\x0b' 1
 >>> for x in (8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 31, 32, 33):
...     print x, repr(chr(x)), isspace(chr(x))
8 '\x08' 0
9 '\t' 1
10 '\n' 1
11 '\x0b' 1
12 '\x0c' 1
13 '\r' 1
14 '\x0e' 0
31 '\x1f' 0
32 ' ' 1
33 '!' 0

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