Hi All,
I am trying to get the serial port (com1 or com2) to work on a PC, using python.  It works fine under Linux (/dev/ttys0) but under windoze 95 I am having no joy.
Some background:
When I use the standard distribution (not pywin) as downloaded, I find that there is no serial module, and also no fcntl module - (on Linux I used fcntl to make the port non blocking, which works fine). when I open com1 or com2 using the standard distribution I am able to send stuff out - I get nulls for every character - I know this because there is a datascope attached to the port - if I use the device manager to set the port up - it makes no difference - if I first set the port up using hyperterm, then I can transmit, but not receive - I know the hardware is working because I have another old DOS box running procomm attached, and using hyperterm I can chat to and fro...
When I download and install the pywin stuff, then I am worse off - there is something wrong with the installation, and I am unable to work out what it is, as the error message I get is a bit cryptic - whenever the interpreter hits the statement:
import win32file
then I get the following exception:
IDLE 1.1.3      ==== No Subprocess ====
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "E:\Python24\Tools\Scripts\junk1.py", line 1, in ?
    import win32file
ImportError: DLL load failed: A device attached to the system is not functioning.
Now I have worked through the installation problems stuff on the Pywin site, and I can find no duplicate dlls.
How do I figure out what it is that is missing or broken so that I can get it and install it?
Is there a list of required files somewhere so that I can check?
I am snookered...
I would prefer to use the Linux OS exclusively, as I have had very little problems interfacing our device to the port - the interpreter is fast enough to handle a continuous stream of data at 38400 Baud without a hiccup - however - here in South Africa there are still a lot of machines out there running 95 and 98 - I assume (hopefully not incorrectly) that if it will run on 95 it will run on anything...
- Hendrik van Rooyen
Python-win32 mailing list

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