On 21/09/2006 8:03 AM, Brant Sears wrote:
> Hi. I'm new to Python and I am trying to use it on Windows XP. I am trying to 
> use it to replicate the same thing that I do on Linux and Mac via shell 
> scripting (Batch files aren't powerful enough, so I've decided to try to use 
> Python.)
> What I want to do is execute a program and have the results of the execution 
> assigned to a variable. According to the documentation the way to do this is 
> as follows:
> import commands
> x = commands.getstatusoutput('dir')
> This should assign "x" to be the output of the command "dir". However, when I 
> run this (or any other command), x ends up being:
> (1, "'{' is not recognized as an internal or external command,\noperable 
> program or batch file.")

Actually, the output is defined to be a tuple (exitstatus, 
command_result). The exitstatus is 1, and the "is not recognised" thing 
is the result of the command, which was evidently "{" (!!)

>>From looking through the documentation, I'm believing that the implementation 
>>of commands.getstatusoutput is actually some multi-step thing that starts 
>>with issuing the bracket character that is being choked on. This leads me to 
>>believe that Python or perhaps just the commands module is not setup 
>>correctly on my computer.
> I installed Python using the Python2-5.msi link that I found at:
> http://www.python.org/download/releases/2.5/
> I left everything the default during installation, so Python was installed to 
> C:\Python25. The only other thing I did was add this PATH variable on my 
> computer.
> Any ideas on what I might do to troubleshoot this?

(1) Read the manual: "Availability: Unix"
(2) Read line 25 of the source code (c:\python25\lib\commands.py)

Others may know of canned Python solutions for Windows; all I can 
suggest is to write something like the (very short) commands module, 
using the functions in the subprocess module.

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