I am not a Windows programmer, but have managed to port some Linux codes to the
python/windows environment.  To allow windows users to print, I used some code
that needed to know the name of the 'shares' providing printers (there were 2 of
them in the environment in which I work).  The code looks in part like:

      import win32print
      default_printer = win32print.GetDefaultPrinter () # just the default

      for j in range (len (self.share_names)):  # <-------must know share names!
        A = win32print.EnumPrinters (win32print.PRINTER_ENUM_NAME,\
                                     self.share_names [j], 2)
        for i in range (len (A)):
          win_printer = A [i] ['pPrinterName']
          self.printer_list.append (win_printer)

My question then is, "how does one determine the share names in an arbitrary
environment - without asking someone, and then coding them (as I've done 

I look forward to any and all replies.

Regards from Calgary,


                           Dean Provins, P. Geoph.
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