Tim Roberts schrieb:

>As a self-proclaimed studly Win32 programmer, I'm embarrassed at not
>being able to find a neat solution to this.  I come to you humbly,
>seeking coolness.
>I have a script on my laptop that runs after login and launches the
>tools that I use all the time, including the putty password agent, the
>Agent newsreader, and Firefox.  My wireless card takes about 15 seconds
>to sync up with my access point and get an IP address, by which time my
>script is done and the tools are running.  That means that Firefox
>always comes up complaining that it couldn't reach my home page.  So,
>I'd like to have my script wait for connectivity before launching the
>tools.  The question is, how can that be done?
>I could use os.system to poll the "ipconfig" command, but that's icky
>and not at all studly.  I could loop on gethostaddr for localhost until
>it gets an IP, but even that's not studly, because there's no way to
>know that it's really the wireless adapter's IP address.
>There must be a way for me to ask the musical question, "does the
>network adapter called 'Wireless Network Adapter' have an IP address?" 
>Does anybody know that tune?
Hi Tim,

the win32api call  GetIPAddrTable could be helpful. See:
Unfortual it is currently not implemented in pywin. CTypes should be an 


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