David Nicolson wrote:
> This might do what you want to achieve. It seems to make py2exe crash  
> on exit, some file locking error. Works fine otherwise though.
> #!/usr/bin/env python
> import sys
> class LogBuffer:
>      def __init__(self):
>          pass
>      def flush(self):
>          sys.__stdout__.flush()
>      def write(self,string):
>          string = string.strip()
>          sys.__stdout__.write("Captured: "+string+"\n")
> if __name__ == "__main__":
>      logbuffer = LogBuffer()
>      sys.stdout = logbuffer
>      print "Hello"
I've written a class called 'StandOut' which does exactly this (plus 
more). It works fine with py2exe.


Michael Foord

> On 27/10/2006, at 5:48 PM, Johan Lindvall wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Is there any way of capturing or displaying stdout when running a
>> Python script? I know about:
>> import sys
>> sys.stdout = open("logfile.txt", "a")
>> but I don't want to modify my scripts to achieve this.
>> -- 
>> /Johan.
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