Thanks helped me i was just working on that also!

On 11/23/06, Bob Gailer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Please reply to the list as well as me. Others learn and sometimes offer
Rikard Bosnjakovic wrote:
> I'm an utter novice of COM/DOM and I really don't have much knowledge
> about it. I know how to launch Word/Excel from Python by using
> Dispatch("Excel.Application"), but that's about it. I haven't found
> any reference manual for the (DOM?-)commands I can use within Excel,
> except for the ones I found in a couple of tutorials similiar to this
> one:
Where you see exactly what you want.:

xlApp = Dispatch("Excel.Application")
xlApp.Visible = 1
xlApp.ActiveSheet.Cells(1,1).Value = 'Python Rules!'

The last line enters the text 'Python Rules!' in the upper left cell of
the worksheet.

Where do you need help with that?
> I have browsed MSDN with the hope of finding any references/short
> tutorials or what so ever, but I was out of luck.  I am also aware
> that COM is "dead"
Dead? As in no longer functioning? No way. And .NET AFAIK is no
replacement for COM.
> now that .NET is growing, but again; the only thing
> I'm after is a bunch of small commands for me to try out so I can
> automate Excel from within Python.
So try the above code sample and see what happens.

The DOM is documented in MSDN at:


Bob Gailer

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