Tony Cappellini wrote:
> I'm trying to find an API that will give me the width of a cmd console
> window, in charaters.
> GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN) will return it in pixels- but that doesn't
> help.
> If the user resizes the console, I want to be able to adjust the text output
> of a program
> I've looked at the WConio package- that may do it, but I'd rather just uses
> a straight API (if possible), because WConio isn't maintained.
> Is there an API that returns the number of characters of the "printable
> area" of a console windows?
> I'm using Python 2.3.4, and build 202 of PythonWin
> thanks

The win32console module contains the functions that deal with console
window parameters.  It was added in build 205, though.


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