johnny loops schrieb:
> I have been pining over implementing what seems to be a VB custom com
> interface for some time now, so I thought I would post to the list to see if
> anyone could help.
> I have a com component on which I have run makepy.  The function generates a
> couple of classes with functions and callbacks that all work fine when I
> DispatchWithEvents.  However there is one interface that I cannot figure out
> how to use.  This interface is only referenced in the vtables section as
> foo_vtables_dispatch_ = 0
> foo_vtables_ = [
>     (( 'OnFunc1' , 'variable1' , ), 1610678272, (1610678272, (), [ (36, 1,
> None, None) , ], 1 , 1 , 4 , 0 , 12 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )),
>     (( 'OnFunc2' , 'variable2' , ), 1610678273, (1610678273, (), [ (36, 1,
> None, None) , ], 1 , 1 , 4 , 0 , 16 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )),
> ]
> foo is also listed in the VTablesToClassMap  and the NamesToIIDMap
> Now, OnFunc1 and OnFunc2 are callback functions of an interface that I need
> to implement.  Once I implement the interface, I need to pass that object to
> another com object that will fire callbacks.  So reading some of these
> lists, I thought I should register the interface, create a server, wrap the
> server and pass it to the other com function.
> For example:
> universal.RegisterInterfaces(CLSID,0,2,0,["foo"])
> class F:
>       _com_interfaces_=["foo"]
>      _typelib_guid_ = CLSID
>      _typelib_version_ = 2,0
>     _public_methods_ = [] or ['OnFunc1', 'OnFunc2'] -- i've tried both
>       def OnFunc1:
>             do some stuff
>       def OnFunc2
>             do some other stuff
> o=wrap(F)
> otherDispatchedComObject.FunctionThatNeedsInterface(o, otherInputs)
> This does not produce any errors, but callbacks to OnFunc1 and OnFunc2 never
> fire-- and I know they are firing.  Also wrapping with a debugging
> dispatcher adds produces no information.  Callbacks to the regularly
> dispatched com objects do fire.
> So my question is: Is what I am trying to do possible using win32com?  Does
> this seem like it should work?

I cannot comment on this question.

>  If not, does anyone have any suggestions
> using comtypes? I have read that vtable interfaces should be no problem for
> comtypes, but I can't find much in the way of documentation/examples.
> Basically, I'm lost here, to the point where I may have to switch to VB
> (eek)--so any help would be appreciated.

I have at least started writing some docs, and posted links to the ctypes users 

  This describes how COM interfaces are defined, used, and implemented in 

  and this describes the comtypes.client high-level module functionality:*checkout*/ctypes/trunk/comtypes/docs/comtypes.client.html

I hope these documents have some value.  Also I'm willing to help you
if you want to try out comtypes.


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