Hi, all,

I have some problem using os.system when a command that spawned by
os.system itself tries to use os.system. It may be easier to explain
with an example.

Assume I have 3 python scripts. They are aa.py, bb.py and cc.py.
File aa.py (Try to run bb.py using os.system)
import os
print "in", __file__
sysCode = os.system("bb.py")
Print "executing bb.py ", sysCode

File bb.py (try to run cc.py using os.system)
import os
print "in", __file__
sysCode = os.system("cc.py")
Print "executing cc.py ", sysCode

File cc.py
import os
print "in", __file__

On command line, run "aa.py"

And cc.py never get run. Is there anything wrong in the code?

Thank you.

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