Bokverket wrote:
> Bob Gailer's keyboard emitted:
> I have under development a Python implementation of IBM's CMS Pipelines,
> which is in essence a "super AKW and Linux/Unix pipes" all in 1 package.
> Would you like to hear more?

> -- Indeed.

My work is a PC "version" of IBM's CMS Pipelines.

See wikipedia for how CMS Pipelines is an extension of the unix concept:
also from wikipedia "CMS Pipelines 
<> is a port of the 
pipeline idea to VM/CMS <> and MVS 
<> systems. It supports much more 
complex pipeline structures than Unix shells, with steps taking multiple 
input streams and producing multiple output streams. (Such functionality 
is supported by the Unix kernel, but few programs use it.) Due to the 
different nature of IBM mainframe operating systems, it implements many 
steps inside CMS Pipelines which in Unix are separate external programs, 
but can also call separate external programs for their functionality. 
Also, due to the record-oriented nature of files on IBM mainframes, 
pipelines operate in a record-oriented, rather than stream-oriented manner."

Suggested reading:

reference manual:

user guide:

Start with the reference. Much of the initial material will seem simple, 
as it is basic pipe stuff. But scan thru and keep reading.
1.1.6 Built-in Stage has a like to the built-in stages. This list is 
important. I'm implementing some but not all of them, as some are 
mainframe-specific, and some are way too complex for now.
1.1.7 User-Written Stage refers to REXX - substitute Python for REXX 
here and anywhere else.
1.1.8 Filter - filters are listed and discussed in the user guide chapter 2.
I would stop at the end of chapter 3 in the reference.
In the user guide chapter 1 repeats some of the reference, but is worth 
at least a scan.
Chapter 2 Filters is crucial
3 Host Commands is mainframe-specific. Replace this with our ability to 
run and interact with processes from Python
4 Device Drivers is important,  translating of course from mainframe to PC
5 Writing Stages - refers to REXX and Assember. Replace with Python and 
understand my user-written stage uses a different model.
6 Multistream Pipelines is also VERY important. This is one of the 
extensions over unix pipes.

Bob Gailer

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