Michael Morisak schrieb:
> Hi
> I have the following Situation:
> I have a dialog resource in an dll and I want to open a modal dialog 
> with this resource.
> dlg= pywin.mfc.dialog.Dialog(myDialogID)
> dlg.DoModal()
> works but the problem is that i would set the Parent of the Dialog
> in MFC the CDialog Constructor allows to pass a Parent (which i need):
> explicit CDialog(
> UINT /nIDTemplate/,
> CWnd* /pParentWnd/ = NULL
> );
> but i really do not know how to do this with python-win32
> thanx for the help and the great work done in python.win32
> c.u.
ok i could fix this by opening the dialog in my C++ extension and 
writing the whole dialog in c++

but now a have a different problem
when I did the dialog in c++ i found out that in my case the dialog only 
works if I add


so i opened the dialog the following way:

static PyObject* createConnectOptionsDlg(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
    HWND hwnd;
    PyObject* settings;
    CWnd* parent;
    CDialog* dlg;

    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"iO",&hwnd,&settings))
        return NULL;

    parent= CWnd::FromHandle(hwnd);
    dlg= new CConnectOptionsDlg(parent,settings);
    int res= dlg->DoModal();
    delete dlg;
    return Py_BuildValue("i", res);

w0rks fine :)

I found out that I need this AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
because it is a python c++ extension which is used in an ComObject I 
created in python which is some
automation for SolidEdge

I read in the article (sorry only in german):
that if you do mfc stuff in an dll you need to add 
AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()) to every exported function
that uses MFC
This information really helped me a lot!
After adding this line it started working (SolidEdge did not crash anymore)

Now I have a different situation:
I need to do the following lines:

self.dlg = win32ui.CreateDialog(SolidEdge.PySolidEdge.IDD_LayerStyle)

self.dlg.HookMessage(self.layerListSelChangeMsgHandler, win32con.WM_COMMAND)

the problem is that in principle this works fine
but SolidEdge crashes after CreateWindow

My suspicion is that i need:


in CreateWindow

i tried to add this to the source of python-win32
but i refuses to compile with some link issue

Does anybody know what i could do about this problem
I do not want to write this whole dlg in c++ since i would have to do a 
lot of COM in this dialog then



Michael Morisak
RISC Software GmbH -- Johannes Kepler Universitaet Linz
IT-Center, Hauptstrasse 119                phone: ++43 7236 3343-251
4232 Hagenberg, Austria                    fax:   ++43 7236 3343-250

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