Tim Roberts wrote:
> Boris Borcic wrote:
>> I am trying to use UI Automation to drive an MS Windows app with pywinauto.
>> I need to scrape the app's window contents and use some form of OCR to get at
>> the texts (pywinauto can't get at them).
>> As an alternative to integrating an OCR engine, and since I know the fonts 
>> and
>> sizes used to write on the app's windows, I reasoned that I could base a 
>> simple
>> text recognition module on the capability to drive MSWindows text rendering 
>> - eg
>> to generate pixmaps of texts I expect to find in the driven app's windows, 
>> exact
>> to the pixel.
>> The advantage of that approach would be exactitude and self-containment.
> But what if the user has font anti-aliasing or, even worse, ClearType
> turned on?  Your screen image won't be pixel-for-pixel accurate.  This
> seems like a very delicate solution to me.

That's why I spoke of "wrapping the the Windows UI text rendering engine", ie 
that the text gets rendered according to user options. And as a matter of fact, 
my tests with Idle - the paragraph just after those you cited :

 >> I've verified manually inside an Idle window, that indeed I could produce
 >> pixmaps of expected app texts, exact to the pixel (with Tkinter+screen
 >> capture at least).

- where done with cleartype on and were pixel-to-pixel accurate.

> I'm surprised you can't get at the window contents.  Have you used the
> spyxx.exe utility to poke through the window structure?

I think that's what pywinauto does as well, and I had no better results with 
another automation module that uses pywin32 rather than ctypes (winguiauto 

Regards, Boris Borcic

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