Ross McKerchar wrote:
>I am having trouble connecting to an already running python com server.
> I have set CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER for my com object and I am using the 
> "GetObject" function in my vbscripts which connect to the com server.
> I have written a simple test server that behaves very similarly to my 
> real server (except the thread will actually do some work)
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> sleeper = threading.Thread(target=time.sleep,args=(20,))
> class Test(object):
>    _public_methods_ = ["go"]
>    _reg_progid_ = "pythonutils.test"
>    _reg_clsid_ = "{57E47876-69CB-4822-92F1-B8D2716F54A4}"
>    _reg_clsctx_ = pythoncom.CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER
>    def go(self):
>        if sleeper.isAlive():
>            return "Server is already running"
>        else:
>            sleeper.start() #start a thread that sleep for 20 seconds
>            return "Server NOT running"
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Now, if I run two test clients it works fine if client #2 get's a 
> reference to my com server before client #1 stops running (i.e. client#1 
> sleeps for 10 seconds and I run client#2, in a seperate process before 
> client#1 finishes).
> However, if I run my test clients sequentially each one creates a new 
> pythonw process. The old com server is definitely still running, 
> GetObject just decides to return a new one and I am unsure how the 
> change this behaviour.
> After browsing Mark's win32 book I've tried playing with the 
> _reg_threading_ but I'm not convinced it's relevant (I full admit I'm 
> dont understand com threading 100%). I also thought I was onto something 
> with the pythoncom.REGCLS_MULTIPLEUSE variable until I discovered that 
> this is used by default (in win32com.server.factory).
> Any suggestions would be much appreciated - even just some key phrases 
> that may help energise my search efforts...

An object needs to be registered in the Running Object Table (ROT) for this to
work. See pythoncom.RegisterActiveObject.


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