
this is my first post to the ml. I am rather new to python under windows, so
probably mine is an easy question, but I've searched for a solution and
found none.
I am writing a (set of) simple COM servers, which basically take the input
from excel worksheets, do some computation, invoke some C++ dll and return
the output on some other excel sheet.
I'm working on winXp professional, with active python 2.5 and excel 2002.
I've been able to make a first prototype of the thing working (enough for
being encouranged to further go on pythonizing the various tasks of my job
:-) ), but I've met the following annoying problem:
I register the server with the usual

if __name__ == '__main__': win32com.server.register.UseCommandLine(....)

Then I find that I want to add/change/correct something, and I register it
The problem is that Excel persists in calling the OLD server.
At first I believed that it was my fault, since I hadn't changed the
_reg_clsid_ . (more on this later). But even if I changed it, Excel
persisted in calling the old server.
I've found two solutions, both of them ugly:
a) closing and restarting excel (which is way too long, and undesiderable
since maybe I've been writing something on the sheets) or
b) re-naming the .py file and re-running it.
This means that I have a directory full of mySeverXX.py for XX = 1, 2, ...
infinity  :-)

so my questions are:
1) is there a way to refresh the list of servers that excel looks for?
1b) is this in someway connected with the generated .pyc files? by changing
the names I am forcing the interpreter to compile it again, am not I?
2) what happens if I register with the same _reg_clsid_? Is my registry
irreversibly messed up?

This is all for now. I hope you can help me!
thanks in advance,
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