Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz wrote:
> Steven James wrote:
>> Have you tried writing the binary data to a file, then reading it from 
>> that file with PIL?
>> Also, you could try Image.frombuffer() if you can coerce the binary 
>> data into a python string. I just finished a win32 project that read 
>> thumbnails from COM using IExtractImage and the data came in with 
>> B,G,R byte order instead of R,G,B, so that took some finagling as well.
> I dump the data to a temporary file and no matter how I rename the 
> extension GIMP can't handle it. Opening the file with Vim shows the 
> following header string: "Imagen de mapa de bits...Paint.Picture".

*Very* sketchy knowledge follows: I think that Access stores
BLOBs (including, presumably, images) as a special data
format which you have to read in chunks using some specific
ADO code. I just threw "Access blob ado chunk" at Google and
it threw up:


which might be useful. I'm just winging it, never done
it myself.

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