I'm hoping that Mark Hammond will catch sight
of this thread and chip in. I'm guessing that
you're seeing some odd interaction between
the generated class/module and the COM object
properties. There's a sort of funniness where
properties can be methods... or not.

Have you generated a proxy module for this?
If you haven't use makepy or EnsureDispatch
to generate and then look for the definition
of the result of the .Field method or
property or whatever.

I'm groping in the dark a little, but I suspect
that the __str__ and __unicode__ magic methods
of whatever type that is are actually invoking
the default method/property of the underlying

To be concrete then:

1) Can you generate and post (probably to some webspace
somwhere) the proxy module? If you don't have easy
access to space, send it to me off-list and I can post
it up.

from win32com.client import gencache
td = gencache.EnsureDispatch ("TDApiOle80.TDConnection.1")
print td.__module__

2) What is the *type* of the value returned from
mybug.Field ("blah") ?

import win32com.client
td = win32com.client.Dispatch("TDApiOle80.TDConnection.1")
td.InitConnectionEx( "http://myserver.com:8080/qcbin/"; )
bfact = td.BugFactory
fields = mybug.Field("BG_DESCRIPTION")
print fields.__class__
print type (fields)


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