On 6/14/07, Mickel Grönroos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I am thinking about fiddling with the Research Task Pane in Microsoft
Office using Python. The goal is to create a simple, generic module
that can be used for building various web services (in Python) for the
Research Task Pane. Basically the module should implement the
Registration and Query functions required by Office and handle the
SOAP traffic to and from the client (which is the Research Task Pane).

Does anyone on the list have good pointers or Python code
snippets/modules for doing this? I have found a lot of hello world
examples in VB and C# on the web, but nothing for Python.

(Sorry for cross-posting; I posted a similar question to the regular
python-list a few weeks ago.)

Best regards and much obliged,

Mickel Grönroos

Python-win32 mailing list

I have never used the Research Task Pane or access it via any programming or
scripting language, so I have no idea if this would work, but I would assume
that it would be like accessing any other object and attribute using
win32com. (That is if it is wrapped in win32com package)

import win32com.client
word = win32com.client.Dispatch("Word.Application")

Then access the relevant calls you need from word

if you look here -
you can see some example in VB, which will give you the hints as to the
names of methods and attribute.

Hope this helps some.

Python-win32 mailing list

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