
I'm not sure if this is helpful but you might try taking a look at the Pamie
code for how it gets deals with the DOM.

Additionally the following code snip may be helpful (self is
win32com.Client.Dispatch returned IE object)


----- code -----
    def Dom(self,
            errorFlag = True, message = None ):
        """ Sets Yamie's dom attribute (topmost element of the page's DOM

        yie.Dom([errorFlag,][errorMessage])->object #HTML element in the DOM

        The DOM is rebuilt after each navigation.  Previous values are no
longer good.

        errorFlag (boolean) If True, COM error messages are written to
                            Otherwise, COM error messages are surpressed.
        message (string)    A message to output on COM errors.
        dom (object)    The topmost element in the page's DOM tree.
                        dom is None on COM error.
                        Set status and comError.
        >>> dom = yie.Dom()
        >>> print dom             #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
        <win32com.gen_py.Microsoft HTML Object Library.DispHTMLHtmlElement
instance at 0x...>
        >>> print dom.CLSID
        >>> len(dir(dom))
        >>> len(dom._prop_map_get_.keys())
        >>> dir(dom) == ['CLSID', 'FireEvent', '_ApplyTypes_', '__cmp__',
        ... '__getattr__', '__init__', '__module__', '__repr__',
'__setattr__', '_get_good_object_',
        ... '_get_good_single_object_', '_oleobj_', '_prop_map_get_',
        ... 'addBehavior', 'addFilter', 'appendChild', 'applyElement',
'attachEvent', 'blur',
        ... 'clearAttributes', 'click', 'cloneNode', 'coclass_clsid',
        ... 'contains', 'createControlRange', 'detachEvent', 'doScroll',
'dragDrop', 'focus',
        ... 'getAdjacentText', 'getAttribute', 'getAttributeNode',
        ... 'getClientRects', 'getElementsByTagName', 'getExpression',
        ... 'insertAdjacentElement', 'insertAdjacentHTML',
'insertAdjacentText', 'insertBefore',
        ... 'mergeAttributes', 'normalize', 'releaseCapture',
        ... 'removeAttributeNode', 'removeBehavior', 'removeChild',
        ... 'removeFilter', 'removeNode', 'replaceAdjacentText',
'replaceChild', 'replaceNode',
        ... 'scrollIntoView', 'setActive', 'setAttribute',
'setAttributeNode', 'setCapture',
        ... 'setExpression', 'swapNode', 'toString']
        >>> dom._prop_map_get_.keys()== ['all', 'contentEditable',
        ... 'onrowsinserted', 'disabled', 'filters', 'onrowexit',
'children', 'style',
        ... 'ondataavailable', 'nodeName', 'ondatasetchanged', 'clientLeft',
        ... 'offsetLeft', 'ondatasetcomplete', 'currentStyle', 'hideFocus',
'onclick', 'onkeypress',
        ... 'onbeforeupdate', 'onpropertychange', 'onresizestart',
'onmouseover', 'recordNumber',
        ... 'onscroll', 'onrowenter', 'clientHeight', 'onmouseenter',
'canHaveChildren', 'onkeyup',
        ... 'readyStateValue', 'onreadystatechange', 'dir', 'tagUrn',
'onfocusout', 'innerHTML',
        ... 'className', 'ondeactivate', 'onmoveend', 'ondragleave',
'glyphMode', 'onresize',
        ... 'version', 'onresizeend', 'offsetTop', 'onfocus', 'ondrag',
        ... 'onfocusin', 'nodeType', 'onbeforeeditfocus', 'onkeydown',
'outerText', 'onbeforecopy',
        ... 'language', 'title', 'firstChild', 'oncut',
'onbeforedeactivate', 'attributes',
        ... 'onmove', 'offsetParent', 'behaviorUrns', 'clientWidth',
'outerHTML', 'tagName',
        ... 'offsetHeight', 'onerrorupdate', 'onbeforepaste', 'childNodes',
        ... 'scrollWidth', 'onpage', 'isDisabled', 'onhelp',
'oncontrolselect', 'onmouseup', 
        ... 'onmousemove', 'isMultiLine', 'onblur', 'onmouseout',
'oncellchange', 'sourceIndex', 
        ... 'scrollLeft', 'parentTextEdit', 'onmousewheel', 'lastChild',
        ... 'oncontextmenu', 'onrowsdelete', 'readyState', 'inflateBlock',
        ... 'innerText', 'onmovestart', 'offsetWidth', 'uniqueID',
'onafterupdate', 'ondragenter', 
        ... 'nextSibling', 'onmousedown', 'clientTop', 'parentNode',
'oncopy', 'onfilterchange',
        ... 'id', 'ondrop', 'isTextEdit', 'onbeforecut', 'ownerDocument',
        ... 'runtimeStyle', 'document', 'isContentEditable', 'ondragstart',
        ... 'uniqueNumber', 'scrollTop', 'onpaste', 'ondragover', 'lang',
        ... 'canHaveHTML', 'scopeName', 'nodeValue', 'onlosecapture',
        ... 'ondblclick', 'onselectstart']
            node = self.Document.all.tags("HTML")
            self.dom = node.item(0)
            return self.dom
        except pythoncom.com_error, (hr, hrtxt, addinfo, arg):
            self.dom = None
            if not message: message = 'Dom error'
            self._ComError( errorFlag, message, hr, hrtxt, addinfo, arg)
            return None

|-----Original Message-----
|From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:python-win32-
|[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mark Hammond
|Sent: Friday, June 29, 2007 11:47 PM
|To: 'Jef Allbright';
|Subject: Re: [python-win32] IE DOM ptr as input to DLL function -
|> I'm a newbie to Win32 COM and am unsure whether my current problem
|> lies in what I'm doing or possibly in some quirk of the DLL I'm trying
|> to use from Python.
|> I have a snippet of C++ that I want to implement in Python:
|>      IDispatch* pVoid;
|>      m_pBrowserApp->get_Document(&pVoid);
|>      m_pAnalyzer->Analyze(pVoid, _variant_t(5L));
|>      pVoid->Release();
|> At first, I tried using win32com.Client.Dispatch to create a COM
|> object for both my DLL and for the IE browser, and that worked well up
|> to the point where I tried to use the ie.Document object as input to
|> Analyze where it expects the pVoid.  Got "argument is not a COM
|> object"
|In general, COM itself doesn't understand a "void *".  In the example
|that first param would probably be best defined as IUnknown rather than
|void.  Further, in general, win32com only supports IDispatch based
|interfaces, but the C++ example above is using vtables.  If you can get
|analyzer interface working via IDispatch, it will work correctly from
|Python, as well as VBScript, JS, etc...
|I'm afraid I can't help with the comtypes issues...
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