> Several things caught my attention about this.
> First, the attempt to print qNode (an object of class
> win32com.gen_py.3050F1C5-98B5-11CF-BB82-00AA00BDCE0Bx0x4x0.Dis
> pHTMLInputElem
> ent) produces a zero length string.  However print of nodes
> for other HTML
> tags such as HTML, BODY, or DIV produces strings that
> describe the object.

Yes - as I mentioned before, str(ob) calls a COM method on 'ob' - so what
'print ob' yields is up to the object, not up to win32com.

> Second, when the INPUT node named 'q' is returned as an item
> in a list (see
> qNode2) printing the list prints the item.  I'm not sure
> what's different
> about printing an item in a list vs printing the item, but
> clearly something
> different is involved even though the underlying object is of
> the same type.

This is just Python.  When you 'print ob', you are doing, basically, print
str(ob).  But when ob is a list, the list object itself uses repr() on the
list elements.  So if 'ob' is in a list, you get different results than if
it is not.  This is Python, not win32com.


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