> I'm about to start a project at my current gig where I need to
> automate interaction with Remedy. I poked around the net via Google
> and I didn't see any recent posts anywhere on interfacing Python with
> it..

> Is anyone out there using Python/COM to connect with Remedy?

Not using it regularly, but I did try some simple test programs like
this one, a few years ago, just to see if it would work:

import win32com.client as w

app = w.Dispatch("Remedy.User")

sess = app.Login("xxxxxx", "yyyyyy", 1)
print "logged in"

formlist = app.GetFormList(sess, "servername")
print formlist

print "logged out"

Version 5's COM abilities were pretty limited. I wondered if it would
be more useful to wrap the standard C API with ctypes.


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