> I am trying to figure out how to code my stop pay. I
> get paid 40 cents a stop for the first 22 stops, and
> $1.40 for stops after that. 
> stops = 24
> if stops < 22:
>     stopPay = stops * .4
> else: 
>     stopPay = stops * 1.4
> print stopPay
>>>> 33.6
> well thats not how I get paid, I get paid $8.80 for
> the first 22 stops + $2.80 for the last 2 stops. I
> know this is a elementary question, but it has got me
> stuck. Thanks

Exactly the same question has been asked and answered earlier today on 
the comp.lang.python newsgroup. You can follow the discussion here:


If I have been able to see further, it was only because I stood
on the shoulders of giants.  -- Isaac Newton

Roel Schroeven

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