Radu Ciora wrote:
> Is it possible to get a handle to a running application like the one I get 
> when I explicitly start an application myself using the 
> win32com.client.Dispatch("Object.Name")?
> Is the one retrieved by win32gui.GetForegroundWindow() the same as the one 
> above or not, if not how can I get the handle to a running application object.
> I hope I made myself understand.

Well, you are confusing several very different constructs there.

What you get back from win32com.client.Dispatch is not a handle at all;
it is a pointer to a COM object.  It contains methods and properties
that you can call directly.

What you get back from win32gui.GetForegroundWindow is just a window
handle.  You can send window messages to it, but there is nothing there
to call, and there is no connection to any COM objects.  In fact, there
is no guarantee that the foreground application offers any COM services
at all.

Having said that, I assume that what you really want to do, for example,
is to connect to a currently running instance of Word.  Is that right? 
Somewhat surprisingly, this depends on the application.  For the Office
products, if you do a Dispatch on Word.Application while Word is
running, you should get a pointer to the existing Word application, and
should be able to manipulate the existing documents.  For other
applications, the answer is "it depends".

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