Aviel, Gal wrote:
> Unfortunately, it seems that an include file being used in the code
> ("atlcomcli.h") is not available on my system, as here they software
> guys work with VC6.0 which (from short googling) does not seem to
> support ATL (not sure this is true).

Yes, it includes ATL, but it was a very early version of ATL, and does
not include <atlcomcli.h>.

> Probably you developed the code on a newer version of Visual Studio?

As does almost everyone.  Do you have any notion of how old VC6.0 is? 
You are talking about a tool that was first released almost a decade
ago!  Things were very, very different in 1998.  C++ had not yet become
an ISO standard, and because of that, the compiler implements a language
which is not really C++.  It is close, but there are many things in the
template support that changed after VC6 was released.

It is very difficult for me to imagine any company developing commercial
software with a compiler that is 9 years old.

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