Radu Ciora wrote:
> I was trying to see how GetMessage function works.
> I was trying with this basic app and later try to get message for MsWord.

The only messages you get with GetMessage are messages that arrived in
your thread's message queue.  You can monitor the message traffic within
another process, but only by using a window "hook" that actually injects
code into that other process.  The "spyxx" tool that ships with the
PlatformSDK is an excellent way to do this.  Borland has an equivalent
tool called "WinSight".

Window messages are very low-level things.  WM_PAINT tells an
application to repaint part of a window.  WM_MOVE tells it the window is
being moved, WM_SIZE says the window is being resized.  WM_MOUSEMOVE
tells it that the mouse moved within its window.  In addition, controls
like buttons and list boxes report activity to their parent windows,
like when they get clicked, or when an item is selected.

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