Mark Hammond wrote:
> Tim writes:
>>> and just in case I haven't hijacked my own thread enough:
>>> does
>>> pywin32-210.win32-py2.5.exe
>>> have any command line switches so I don't have to hit 'next
>> next...'?
>> I believe it is a standard MSI installer, and if so you should be able
>> to use the normal switches.  /q and /qn suppress the UI altogether.
>> /qb- should display a basic UI but with no modal dialog
>> boxes.  You may
>> need to experiment.
> Actually, the .exe installers are not MSI at all, and sadly they do not
> support cmdline options.  I'm playing with creating MSI packages, at least
> for the x64 build but the 32bit versions probably will not see .msi for a
> little while (I see no real advantage, and some costs, in making each build
> available as *both* .exe and .msi)

Done anything with this?

No biggie if you haven't, I just ran into it again and forgot that it wasn't 
supported.  was about to ask about it, and started to slowly remember this 
thread :)

Carl K
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