Actually I that's the normal behavior.  The TEMP environment variable is
loaded by your user profile, but %TEMP% points to %WINDIR%\TEMP by default
if it isn't set explicitly.  You can test this by running 'runas /noprofile
/user:some_user cmd',  %TEMP% will point to %WINDIR%\TEMP.  Whatever script
you're running is just running before the profile has finished loading.  You
might want to add a second or two of delay or use a directory that you know
is writeable by the user.

On Jan 8, 2008 12:32 AM, le dahut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> No it is not, it is a fresh installed XP, and the same problem occurs on
> undreds of machines running XP and 2k. But I forgot to precise that once
> the session is opened and the desktop is completely loaded, %TEMP%
> points to the correct directory (C:\Doc & Settings\<user>\...\temp).
> This strange behaviour occurs only at logon. If someone has any ideas or
> addresses where I can find some ideas ?
> Tim Roberts a écrit :
> > le dahut wrote:
> >> I've a strange behavior with windows XP, %TEMP% points to %WINDIR%\TEMP
> >> instead of "C:\Documents and Settings\<USERNAME>\Local Settings\Temp"
> at
> >> logon time. Since I have a program that uses temp files it can write
> >> there when a non-admin user logs on so it failed with traceback etc.
> >>
> >> Why ? Is there a KB article about that ?
> >>
> >
> > This is almost certainly a machine that used to run Windows 9X, and was
> > upgraded in place to XP.  On 9X, there was no "Documents and Settings"
> > directory, so temp files went into \Windows\TEMP, and the XP upgrade
> > process tries to maintain that.
> >
> > I would think that MANY things would fail if %TEMP% were not writable.
> >
> > You could fall back to %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temp, I suppose.
> >
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