
Not an answer to this thread but a related win32 authorization question?

Does windows OS have a standard dialog box I can call from python that 
queries the username/password, and returns a token?

I'd like not to have to worry about other peoples plain text passwords 
being in variables in my script.
and I was hoping the OS would provide a GUI dialog authorization as a 
convenience function.

I googled, looked on msdn, .. there is so many hits and so much noise, I 
don't know what key words to use to narrow my search down to useful stuff..


Matt Herbert (matherbe) wrote:
> Hey all,
> Is there a way to make impersonation follow threads? Given this simple
> example:
> import win32api
> import win32security
> import win32con
> from threading import Thread
> class Test(Thread):
>     def run(self):
>         print "Username (in thread): ", win32api.GetUserName()
> print "Username (before impersonate): ", win32api.GetUserName()
> token = win32security.LogonUser('testuser', None, 'testuser', \
>       win32con.LOGON32_LOGON_INTERACTIVE,
> win32security.ImpersonateLoggedOnUser(token)
> print "Username (after impersonate): ", win32api.GetUserName()
> Test().start()
> print "Username (after thread): ", win32api.GetUserName()
> The output will be something like:
> Username (before impersonate):  Administrator
> Username (after impersonate):  testuser
> Username (after thread):  testuser
> Username (in thread):  Administrator
> Thanks
> -Matt
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