Hi Tim G., 

<snipped for brevity>

> > I can get the handle by doing this:
> > 
> > hwnd = win32gui.FindWindow('IEFrame',None)
> > 
> > But if there's multiple Explorer windows open, I may not get the 
> > window I want. That's why I would like to create my own so 
> I can have 
> > what amounts to an "exclusive" handle to it. Any hints 
> would be appreciated.
> I thought I'd posted a How-Do-I? on this one, but obviously 
> not. At any rate, here's the code I intended to post up. Hope 
> it helps as a starting point:
> <code>
> import subprocess
> import time
> import win32con
> import win32gui
> import win32process
> def get_hwnds_for_pid (pid):
>    def callback (hwnd, hwnds):
>      if win32gui.IsWindowVisible (hwnd) and 
> win32gui.IsWindowEnabled (hwnd):
>        _, found_pid = win32process.GetWindowThreadProcessId (hwnd)
>        if found_pid == pid:
>          hwnds.append (hwnd)
>      return True
>    hwnds = []
>    win32gui.EnumWindows (callback, hwnds)
>    return hwnds
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>    notepad = subprocess.Popen ([r"notepad.exe"])
>    #
>    # sleep to give the window time to appear
>    #
>    time.sleep (2.0)
>    for hwnd in get_hwnds_for_pid (notepad.pid):
>      print hwnd, "=>", win32gui.GetWindowText (hwnd)
>      win32gui.SendMessage (hwnd, win32con.WM_CLOSE, 0, 0)
> </code>

I think this will work. It's a little bit quicker than the method Alec
mentioned (and which I use in another part of my app) and it's definitely
a little less confusing. I just tested it by opening a couple other
instances of Notepad before running it and your script kills only the
Notepad process that it opens, as expected. Very cool.

Thanks for helping me once again.


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