  Where can one find a cookbook for HOW to build python and/or pywin32 from
source? I  guessed that one should use VS 2003 (which I have) but I have no
clue how to make it actually compile.  Someone mentioned a patch to compile
using a later (2005?) version of Visual Studio. I really want to try with VS
2008 express, so that I can work on my home machine, rather than the one at
work where we have the licen$ed version, but the first step is to make it
work with the supported environment. Where do I look for documentation?
Vernon Cole

On Mon, Jan 28, 2008 at 5:28 PM, Mark Hammond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> TimR wrote:
> > You need to set the Python path variable before calling the
> > interpreter.  You can do that by setting the PYTHONPATH environment
> > variable, but I believe you can also do that by setting variables when
> > you initialize the interpreter.
> Actually, if the 'lib' directory can be found relative to pythonxx.dll, it
> should not be necessary to set PYTHONPATH at all.  Even then, if it *was*
> necessary to set such a variable, it may be better to set PYTHONHOME
> instead
> - that should adjust PYTHONPATH (again, the lib can be located relative to
> that dir), along with ensuring sys.prefix etc are all correct, thereby
> allowing things like distutils to do the right thing.
> > Py2exe might prove useful for you, if only because it scans through a
> > Python script and determines exactly which auxiliary DLLs and modules
> > the script needs in order to operate in a standalone environment.
> >
> > > Also, our application is built with VS 2005, should Python also be
> > > built with the same VS version for compatibility?
> > >
> >
> > Yes, this is required.  The Python run-time DLL links to the Visual C++
> > run-time library.  My python24.dll, for example, links to msvcr71.dll,
> > which is the run-time from VS 2003.
> On the other hand, it would work fine if you built Python and all modules
> with the same compiler.  You can not *mix* compilers, but using a
> non-default one should work fine so long as you control every binary you
> load.  That is a burden though.
> Cheers,
> Mark
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