On Mon, 2008-03-10 at 16:33 +0000, Tim Golden wrote:
> Julius wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > is there python code to "monut" a webdave share to a windows drive
> > letter?
> > i know there are free/commercial applications that can do that, but i
> > need at least a a program that can be controlled through some
> > programming language.
> ... or this one where Tim Roberts (a man you want on your
> side when it comes to delving deep into Windows) pours
> cold water:
> http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2002-April/140651.html
> BTW, I just put
>    site:mail.python.org webdav win32
> into Google to fetch those results, altho' I had the advantage
> of remembering that there was something to search for :)

If i could automate the second solution with python/perl/java that would
be great, but i dont see how.
The first c# just scares the hell out of me.
Ive also found this solution "net use * http://ip/folder"; - the xp
client is able to list the content but thats it, no copy/read possible.
will post that on the apache user mailing list (apache mod_dav is the
server side).

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