> hi:
> <snip>
> Not that it's necessarily wrong, but it's not clear why you're bothering
> to pull server information from each client separately. It's not as
> though the services running on Server S1 will appear different when
> queried from client C1 and C2. But maybe there's something I'm missing.
> </snip>
> sorry - client as in customer
> <snip>
>   processes
> (
>   client VARCHAR (100),
>   server VARCHAR (100),
>   name VARCHAR (100),
>   status VARCHAR (100)
> .
> .
> etc
> )
> </snip>
> thats what i have
> <snip>
> Now, if what you're saying is: hey, they all seem to have .Caption,
> .Status, .Name attributes; surely some sort of denormalisation applies
> here, then I would say: Beware. It's terribly tempting to create a
> database-within-a-database without any real gain. Unless it's really
> offering you something to create a wmi_objects table with 1:1
> subordinates, don't do it.
> </snip>
> no - the db structure you outlined above is fine.
> i will try and explain better, but its not quite clear in my mind what is
> achievable ...
> so to build up these database tables, i have to have some queries
> happening of the form :
> for list in Win32_Process()
>  add instance to table-process
> for list in Win32_Service()
>  add instance to table-service
> ...
> etc etc for each Win32_* query i wanted to implement.
> what I am looking for is an object based / pythonic way to replace all
> those "for loops". it just seemed to me that the "for loops" only differ in
> the Win32_* class they call. so for example would i:
> * define a class Service() and a class Process () and put a method in each
> class that contained the above for loop.
> or
> * define a class Service() and a class Process() and a class Manager() and
> put the for loops in the Manager class
> now both of these ways strike me as being clumsy, so I was looking for a
> better way to represent this behaviour.
> thanks for you assistance tim.
> cheers
> mark
> On 11/03/2008, Tim Golden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > mark.a.brand wrote:
> > > hi:
> > >
> > > i am new to python and wish but am writing a program as both a
> > learning
> > > experience and which may even get used if it is any good.
> >
> >
> > Welcome to the wonderful world of Python :)
> >
> >
> > > purpose of this program:
> > > is to retrieve and store (for historical purposes) system-info for
> > multiple
> > > clients about multiple windows servers using tim golden's
> >
> > > wmi<http://tgolden.sc.sabren.com/python/wmi.html>wrapper. broadly the
> >
> > > algorithm is something like this.
> > >
> > > for each client
> > >     for each server
> > >         get-info(Win32_Process()))
> > >         get-info(get-Win32_Service())
> > >         ...
> > >         ...
> > >         write-system-info (to-a-db)
> > >     endfor
> > > endfor
> >
> >
> > Not that it's necessarily wrong, but it's not clear why you're bothering
> > to pull server information from each client separately. It's not as
> > though the services running on Server S1 will appear different when
> > queried from client C1 and C2. But maybe there's something I'm missing.
> >
> > [... snip slightly confused post which seems to be mixing
> > RDBMS terminology and class queries ...]
> >
> > I'd love to help you out here, Mark, but it's not entirely clear
> > whether you're asking for advice on RDBMS structures (what tables
> > to use for the data) or class structures (how to fit the data
> > returned into classes).
> >
> > Wearing my database hat for a moment, it seems as though the
> > most obvious table structure from your description above is
> > (Noddy structure - I don't usually create a bunch of V(100 fields):
> >
> >    services
> > (
> >    client VARCHAR (100),
> >    server VARCHAR (100),
> >    name VARCHAR (100),
> >    status VARCHAR (100)
> > .
> > .
> > etc
> > )
> >
> >    processes
> > (
> >    client VARCHAR (100),
> >    server VARCHAR (100),
> >    name VARCHAR (100),
> >    status VARCHAR (100)
> > .
> > .
> > etc
> > )
> >
> > Now, if what you're saying is: hey, they all seem to have .Caption,
> > .Status, .Name attributes; surely some sort of denormalisation applies
> > here, then I would say: Beware. It's terribly tempting to create a
> > database-within-a-database without any real gain. Unless it's really
> > offering you something to create a wmi_objects table with 1:1
> > subordinates, don't do it.
> >
> > As to the class structure within Python, the same sort of caveats apply.
> > Use Python core data structures -- lists, dicts, sets, tuples -- as much
> > as you possibly can. They're simple and well-defined and they're
> > optimized to hell and back (not least since they're used by Python
> > itself as part of its internals). Don't feel you have to go around
> > creating hierarchies of classes just because you can!
> >
> > Anyway, if that wasn't what you were after, or if you want to explain
> > your plans further feel free to post back.
> >
> > TJG
> >
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